
Customers are the number one priority in any business venture; products are made to cater to their needs, marketing strategies are done to attract them, and business platforms are designed to make browsing, deciding, and purchasing easier for them. If your business didn’t have customers, it wouldn’t be much of a business.

While your products and your marketing might catch a passer-by’s eye, converting these casual visitors into your customers is a task far greater to undertake.

You might notice that your website or business platform is getting good traffic but if the same number is not reflected in your business revenue, then that must mean that you are not getting as many customers. That doesn’t necessarily mean that you are doing everything wrong, there might just be some areas in your website and the business itself that needs some tweaking.

You want to increase your customer acquisition rate and that starts with the mere visitors to your website. So how do you turn these casual visitors into customers?

This article will give you some tips on how to do just that!

1.    Optimise Your Landing Page

Your home page introduces your business to the casual visitor, but the landing page is where you close the deal.

The user must immediately be made aware of what you are offering when they open your landing page. You need to grab their attention right away; you can do this by using headlines that automatically entice them to check out your product.

On your landing page, you can show users why they need your product and how they can get it. Adding a call-to-action button on your landing page, as well as a quick overview of what it is you are offering will give users the urge to learn more about your product and how it may be beneficial to them. It is important to provide these to see if your landing page is effective.

Curating your landing page to be attractive and easy to navigate is a good way to ensure that the visitor stays. Use words like “Try Now!” or “Get it Here!” that isn’t too blunt for your call-to-action button to persuade these visitors.

The landing page’s purpose is to showcase your product or service and convert the site visitor into your customer.

2.    Product Searching

People may come to your website for something specific and how they look for it may be vital to the decision to buy it. You want to make sure that your product searches are accessible and organised enough that potential customers won’t have a hard time finding what they are looking for.

You can think about how these visitors search for the products they need. Are they searching by colour, price, or specific features? Make filtering their searches easier, complicated features can be off-putting.

You can also organise your products into categories that are easy for them to navigate if they are not looking for anything specific. This will help make browsing effortless and in turn the selection process.

3.    Product Pricing

Potential customers are often looking at every single website that is offering what they need and most of the time the determining factor for their decision is rooted in pricing and quality – more specifically, how that affects one another. Consumers want the best value they can get for the price they are willing to pay, value-based pricing is a pricing strategy based on assuming what the customer may perceive a product is worth.

You want to offer your customers the best price they can get for the product they are getting. The best part about using this customer-focused pricing strategy is that it makes you a more attractive choice for people who are scouting the best offers. This strategy is a good way of making your business stand out from other brands and turning an observer into a customer.

4.    Checkout Process

Once you’ve gotten the potential consumer hooked, you want to guarantee that they push through with the purchase. Your checkout process must be quick and smooth, leaving them no room for doubt or losing interest.

No matter how big the order may be, you need only take the necessary information to make sure that the product gets to them. You can even give them the option not to create an account and stay as guests when purchasing to give them the freedom and ease of buying your product, you will still have the important information you need while showing them that you value their time.

Evaluate your checkout process and figure out if it is posing a problem to your customer acquisition.

5.    Return and Privacy Policy

Provide guarantee and transparency on your website so that possible customers know what they are investing in. Their privacy is of utmost importance, and it is best to provide them that security should they patronise your business.

Having a clear return policy and smooth process is also a way of guaranteeing your customers that you care about their experience. As much as you want to protect your investment and business, you also want to provide the best alternative for your consumers. Being too strict about this may turn customers away instead.

6.    Incentives

Everyone likes free things! When curating your business and platform you want to give out engaging offers that will make people visiting your website want to stay.

Whether that is a coupon they can get when they create an account or a discount on their first order, you can provide some incentives that will make buying your product and subscribing to your business tempting.

If your business is based on subscriptions and services, you can give potential customers a free trial to give them a taste of what your business is about. You can give them the experience without the commitment. For a product-based business, you can give them either a freebie at checkout or a first-time customer discount with the promise of more offers as they continue to buy your products.

7.    Track Visitor Movements

There may be a specific reason why your site’s visitors are not staying to buy your product, maybe it has something to do with your platform’s design or placement.

Tracking your visitor’s movements on your website can show you what parts of your website are gaining attention and which parts are not. This information can help you curate a better website for consumers to visit that opens your business up to more customers.

8.    Reviews

Testimonials and proof are one of the main things that people want to see when they are trying something out for the first time. For a person visiting your site, this is exactly what they are looking for before they even want to dive deeper into what you are offering.

Providing reviews from previous and current customers on the quality of service you provide puts the potential buyer at ease regarding the validity of your business. You want to show them that you have customers and that you satisfied their needs.

Make finding these reviews easy for your new customers, you want them to be assured about the credibility of your business and product before they decide to buy them.

9.    Include FAQs

Potential customers might not be very open to contacting you directly to ask any questions they have about the products or the process. Putting up a “frequently asked questions” section on your website will give them answers to any of their questions.

These questions can be about the quality of your product, the business itself, or how they can purchase your product and why.

This can save time for both you and the customer by laying out all the necessary information they need to know about the business and product, as well as additional information that they want to know. These questions can come from recurring questions asked to you by previous customers or ones you made up that you think customers will ask, either way, FAQs are also a way to show potential customers that you get them. It shows them that you are thinking about them and what they are thinking about.

10. Communication

While most people prefer to just read reviews or refer themselves to the FAQs page, others will want to get a clear answer from you. Whether they want to inquire about a certain product you are offering or need assurance about certain details, customers will feel more secure when they can connect to you directly.

You can provide your business’s email or social media accounts on your website that is accessible to the customers if they have something they want to talk to you about. This feature is also eye-catching to those who are looking into your business.

The key to increasing your customer count is to think about things that involve your business and platform from their point of view. You want to continuously capture their attention, whether they are first-time or repeat visitors. Focus on the consumers’ needs and priorities that are also in line with your goals and work on them.